Human Female Figure-Starter Casts


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Available for sale is one-sixth life-size to one-half life-size human female Starter Casts, ™ in four different scales. Each can be transformed into any body or any thing the artist desires.  The dry and hard casts are in halves (front and back) in proportion, but minimal in detail.  Hands, eyeballs and ears* are ready for trim and assembly. As you can see, the assembled sculpture will be hollow inside, making it strong, but lightweight. Some Project Lessons™ or the “Creating Prairie Edge Hunt” DVD is recommended for even advanced artists who are new to the Eckman Method®.  You will need to order EFA paper and bonding agent to assemble the casts, as well as to pose and smooth the figure.  Also, you need hard paper to detail the sculpture.   Below are a few examples of Patty Eckman’s work to show how a Starter Cast™ can be posed and detailed to finish.   E-mail or call us if you have any questions about what you want to do, and what art materials you need to accomplish your project.

  • 1/6 life-size is cast is 11″ high by  4″wide*
  • 1/4 life-size is cast is 16 “high by  7.5″wide*
  • 1/3 life-size is cast is 21.5″ high by  7.5″wide
  • 1/2 life-size is cast is 32″ high by  10″wide
  • *No separate cast for eyeballs and ears.