Human Female Bust-Starter Cast


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One-third life-size female bust Starter Cast™ can be transformed into any body or any thing the artist desires.  Allen and Patty have done a number of sculptures from this Starter Cast™.  Casts include eyeballs, ears and torso. The 1/3 life-size bust casts are casted cut-off at the waist and upper arms, while all other scale sizes are open in these areas.

There is also a Project Lesson™ in the 1/3 life-size called “Three Coups-Bust Project Lesson”™ with all the materials to do the project and a step-by-step DVD. This Project Lesson™ is recommended.  You will need to order paper and bonding agent to finish all Starter Cast™ sizes here. We cannot know what you want to do with your cast, but below is the 1/3 life-size of the finished piece from Patty’s portfolio.

The “Three Coups-Bust Project Lesson”™ took about one leather sheet (clothes), one half #4 sheet (chasing), one half #2 sheet (chasing), one half #2 hard sheet (hair), small abaca bender board sheet (posing) and a 1/4 cup “EFA Bonding Agent” and some bead casts. E-mail or call us if you have any questions about what you need to accomplish your piece.

  • 1/6 life-size cast is 4″high by  3″wide*
  • 1/4 life-size cast is 5.5″high by  4″wide*
  • 1/3 life-size cast is 7.5″high by  5″wide
  • 1/2 life-size cast is 11″high by  8.4″wide

*No separate cast for eyes and ears.